Summary: No
carb diet is a diet plane 100% free from carbohydrate dietary component
also called ketogenic diet. Carbohydrates are the first source of energy for
the body and play role of fuel for the body to perform daily routines. When no
carb diet, means stop taking this source of energy into body, then fat of
the body become alternative source of energy. This diet plane makes significant
weight lose. There may be then some or no drawbacks of taking food without
carbohydrates. Research shows that no negative side effects of such diet plane
provided that if no significant, hard work and tough routine demand.
No carb diet is a dietary plane without
carbohydrate. It also called a ketogenic diet. Carbohydrates are the first main
source of energy and fuel for the body. It converts into glucose and other
simplest forms and thus utilized by the body for various vital functions of the
body. Digestion of carbohydrates requires insulin enzymes. Over consumption of
carbohydrates first utilized in the body in the form of insulin as per requirement
and then excess of carb convert into fats and stored in the body. Research
shows it has no side effect if no hard work and tough routine demand. Rather it
help in quick lose weight.
of No Carb Diet in body:
When a
person starts no carb diet, means stop 100% consumption of carbohydrate dietary
component. Effects on body can be headache, carvings and more hunger than ever
before. It will take 2 to 3 days and all your body carbohydrates will be
utilized in daily routine. The more tough routine the more quickly amount of
carbohydrates of your body will burn.
that the body will switch to utilize another source of energy called fats which
you already deposit in your body as well as what fat you intake in your daily
food. But now the body will be little stable compare to the first 2 to 3 days. There
will be no significant ups and downs in blood pressure, less hunger and no severe
on weight lose:
carbohydrate free diet will make significant effect on weight lose. If you
continue it for one month strictly it will result in weight lose about 30 to 40
pounds, depending upon your daily activities.
Avoid Food:
strictly all foods that grow underground such as carrots and potatoes because
they contains significant amount of carbohydrate dietary component. Now days in
general stores and supermarkets low carb desserts are available strictly avoid
use of them.
food and drinks:
Eat lean
meat, lamb, pork. White meat such as chicken and fish is also free from
carbohydrates. It is also good to consume eggs, green vegetables like all kinds
of spinach and salad vegetables such as celery, radish, lettuce,
and mushrooms. Drink plenty of simple water or lemon drops and
mints leaves added.
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